Winter Ranthambhore Safari Tours 2024

2024 Winter Tours

For Winter 2024 we have two very different tiger tours to Ranthambhore for you, Classic Ranthambhore and Rajasthan Explorer. Both appeal to different audiences yet both have 6 days of tiger action at their core in Ranthambhore and winter 2024 promises to be a bumper time for our stripey friends. November is simply the best time to in Ranthambhore for light and the general nature / landscape of the park. 

Classic Ranthambhore

Our classic 6 day Ranthambhore winter safari with 6 clients in 2 vehicles guided by the dynamic team of Jamie Peters and Andy Rouse. You will get 6 full days of safaris, that is 12 drives, with expert pro photographers and tiger guides. You will stay at the fantastic Ranthambhore Bagh, a wonderful home from home boutique style accommodation, with great food, a swimming pool and a relaxing ambience. This is our Classic Ranthambhore tour!

Dates: Tuesday 19th to Tuesday 26th November

Guides: Andy Rouse and Jamie Peters

Availability: FULL

Rajhasthan Explorer

This is a very exclusive tour where 3 clients get to work with Andy and his team exclusively for the whole tour. It's the chance to work alongside one of the most dynamic and experienced professional wildlife photographers on the planet. The tour is a game of two halves. The first part of the tour is the same as Classic Ranthambhore above, 6 full days of tiger love, with the exception that you will be with Andy for every drive. Then after 6 exciting days with tigers we will journey to central Rajasthan to work with Andy's team there to photograph the local leopards, beautiful landscapes and the engaging local shepherds. This is a very special extension as we will be staying right in the middle of the town in an old colonial fort, so you will be fully immersed in Indian culture and able to explore the local life.

This is a very exclusive tour as you will be guided and working alongside Andy throughout on this epic Rajasthan adventure!

Dates: Tuesday 26th November to December 9th November 2024

Guide: Andy Rouse

Availability: FULL

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